#5: The Blob by the Five Blobs
City: Guelph, ON
Radio Station: CJOY
Peak Month: November 1958
Peak Position in Guelph ~ #3
Peak position in Vancouver ~ #40
Peak Position on Billboard Hot 100 ~ #35
YouTube: “The Blob”
Lyrics: “The Blob”
This “Artists’ Biography for Jockey Programming” was released by Columbia Records.
All Five Blobs Are Bernie Nee
Columbia’s Five Blobs are, one and all, Bernie Nee, an ex-Seabee who got his first taste of show business leading a band o Saipan. When he was discharged from the service in 1946, the Bronc lad re-entered New York University, switching his major from dentistry to music. He was fortunate enough to receive encouragement from his family. Upon graduation in 1948, Nee began playing guitar and bass with small groups at dances and weddings in and around New York. Then in 1951, he began to make demonstration records for song writers. During the same year he also made 30 children’s records, and sang radio and TV commercials with the Goldswan Singers. The tall, brown-haired singer is 32, married, and the father of three children.”